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How can I return items if I'm outside the UK?Updated 17 days ago

Returning Items From Outside the UK

  • If you are returning your item from outside of the United Kingdom, your postal service will provide you with a customs form. This will need to be visible on your returned parcel.
  • You must clearly write the following on the customs form:'RETURNED ITEMS NO DUTIES'. If you fail to do this, your item may incur additional customs charges which are out of our control, or it may be returned back to you before it reaches Milk & Blush.
  • You should never return your item with FedEx, it will be rejected.
  • You must notify us of your return within 21 days of receiving your order. Please let us know via email at [email protected].

Kindly note: If you have any issues with your return or any queries relating to our returns policy, please contact [email protected]. If it's about an existing return, we will need your order number, the item(s) that you have returned and your proof of postage receipt including tracking number (you can just attach this to your email as a photo or scanned document).

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