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Do Clip-In Extensions Work In Fine Or Thin Hair?Updated 3 months ago

Our hair extensions work really well with thin or fine hair, here are a few really useful tips for you:

  • Fit the clip in extensions as close to the head as possible
  • Wear the wefts slightly lower down on the head as this will help to hide them
  • Try backcombing your roots and applying some hairspray to give the extensions something better to grip onto
  • Ask your stylist to layer the hair extensions as this will help create an even more natural result

As a general rule, clip-in hair extensions are the most suitable type of hair extensions for fine and thin hair. This is because clip-in hair extensions are temporary and don't cause the extent of damage which glues, bonding and sewing do.|

Our Deluxe Set of extensions come as Seamless wefts. The wefts in this set are made with a flat silicone base strip, making them discreet and virtually undetectable. We often recommend this set for those with fine hair as they lay flat to your head and don’t add any bulk at your roots, which makes them really easy to conceal.

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